Lifetime Members

Lifetime members are nominated by the Board of Directors and hold a special distinction among GEMELA associates. These individuals are recognized for their outstanding and ongoing scholarly contributions to the field of women's cultural production pre-1800 in Spain and Spanish-America.

Name Year
H. Patsy Boyer 2001
Ted McVey 2002
Constance Wilkins 2003
Mary Giles 2004
Georgina Sabat-Rivers 2006
Asunción Lavrin 2008
Nina Scott 2010
Electa Arenal 2010
Anne Cruz 2012
Emilie Bergmann 2015

Founding Members

Lifetime members are nominated by the Board of Directors and hold a special distinction among GEMELA associates. These individuals are recognized for their outstanding and ongoing scholarly contributions to the field of women's cultural production pre-1800 in Spain and Spanish-America.

GEMELA is proud to announce its "founding members" who, through their generous donations, help fund the organization's operational costs and provide travel scholarships for graduate students to participate in the bi-annual conference. A Founders' contribution of $50 helps further GEMELA's mission.

To become a founding member, please choose Founding Member at checkout.

Name Affiliation Year
Rosamaría León

Shannon Lalor

Emily Francomano

Ivette Marti

Crystal Anne Chemris

Elizabeth Rhodes

Yale University

High Point University

Georgetown University

Universidad de Puerto Rico

University of Oregon

Boston College







Emily Bergmann U of California, Berkeley 2015
Teresa Fernández-Ulloa California State University, Bakersfield 2015
Charles Ganelin Miami U, Oxford, OH 2015
Charles Ganelin Miami U, Oxford, OH 2014
Emily Francomano Georgetown U 2014
Alessandra Luiselli Texas A & M University 2012
George Thomas U of Nevada 2011
Jennifer Eich Loyola Marymount U 2011
Margaret Parker LSU 2011
Barbara Mujica Georgetown U, DC 2011
Julián Olivares U of Houston 2011
Charles Ganelin Miami U, Oxford, OH 2011
Dana Bultman U of Georgia 2010
Bonnie Gasior California State U, Long Beach 2010
Nina M. Scott U of Mass/Amherst, MA 2010
Denise Galarza Sepúlveda Lafayette C, PA 2010
Asunción Lavrín Arizona State U, Emeritus 2010
Joan Cammarata Manhattan College 2010
Maryrica Ortiz Lottman U of North Carolina, Charlotte 2010
Rocio Quispe-Agnoli Michigan State U 2010
Ronald Surtz Princeton U 2007
Dr. Josefina López M.D. U of Kentucky 2006
Barbara Weissberger U of Minnesota 2002
Nina M. Scott U of Mass/Amherst, MA 2002
Valerie Hegstrom Brigham Young U 2002
Mary G. Berg Harvard U 2001
Jennifer Eich Loyola Marymount U, CA 2001
Nina M. Scott U of Mass/Amherst, MA 2001
Jeanne Gillespie U of So. Mississippi 2001
Grady Wray U of Oklahoma 2001
Matthew D. Stroud Trinity University, TX 2001
Alison P. Weber U of Virginia 2001
Gwyn Campbell Washington and Lee U, VA 2001
Amy Williamsen U of Arizona 2001
Barbara Mujica Georgetown U 2001
Lisa Vollendorf California State U, Long Beach 2000
Susan M. Smith Hampden-Sydney C, VA 2000
Margaret R. Parker Louisana State U, Baton Rouge 2000
Barbara Simerka Queens College, CUNY 2000