Our annual dues are only $15, but if possible we ask that you pay $30 to cover two years at a time. Your membership will still be current during the off-years when we do not have our conference and you will still remain eligible to vote in elections. Dues also help to support a graduate award for travel to the conference. Dues must be paid in order for proposals to be accepted for the program and should be sent by the deadline set for submission of abstracts; usually by April 1. Please include a contact email and affiliation information with your membership dues.
GEMELA accepts membership fees and donations via PayPal. Please pay $30 to cover a two-year membership period plus the fee that PayPal charges us for the transaction ($1.34) by clicking the button below. You may also pay by credit or debit card at the link below. If you need an alternative method of payment, please contact the Managing Director via email (treasurer@gemela.org).