GEMELA panel
The Gendering of Theology and Catholic Polemics by Early Modern Spanish Women Writers
Thursday March 22 9:00 to 10:30am Hilton New Orleans Riverside, 3, 3rd Floor – Royal Room
“A Priest in Woman’s Clothing”: Luisa de Carvajal y Mendoza Among Catholic Polemicists – Deborah R Forteza, Grove City College
The Theology of Pain: Women’s Imitation of Christ in Early Modern Spain – Anne J. Cruz, University of Miami
Concepción maravillosa: Women Theologians and the Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of Mary – Rosilie Hernández, University of Illinois at Chicago
EMIT panel
Early Hispanic Patronage
Thu, March 22, 9:00 to 10:30am, Hilton New Orleans Riverside, 3, 3rd Floor – Parish Room
Patronage and Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz – Emil Volek, Arizona State University
Privanza in Imperial Rome and Lerma’s Spain – Barbara A. Simerka, CUNY, Queens College
Tirso de Molina and Patronage – Juan Pablo Gil-Osle, Arizona State University
RSA panel
The Brothers Valdés and Charles V
Thu, March 22, 11:00am to 12:30pm, Hilton Riverside Complex, Port Room
The Disenchanted Church: Miracles in the Theology of Juan de Valdés – Timothy McCallister, Auburn University
Semblanzas del emperador en la obra de Juan de Valdés: actualidad histórica y proyección utópica – Philippe Rabaté, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
RSA panel
Writing Space in Habsburg Spain
Thu, March 22, 11:00am to 12:30pm, Hilton New Orleans Riverside, 3, 3rd Floor – Parish Room
Negotiating Feminine Places and Spaces in Early Modern Religious Poetry – María Cristina Quintero, Bryn Mawr College
Windows in Don Quixote I: From Place to Space – Frederick A. de Armas, University of Chicago
Góngora’s Polifemo and the Spatial Turn – Mary E. Barnard, Pennsylvania State University
RSA panel
The Normative and Non-Normative in Hispanic Literature
Thu, March 22, 2:00 to 3:30pm, Hilton New Orleans Riverside, 3, 3rd Floor – Royal Room
Normative Marriage Literature in Early Modern Iberia – Anna-Lisa Halling, Brigham Young University
Fighting Back: Women’s Use of Physical Violence in Early Modern Spanish Cape and Sword Plays – Jelena Sánchez, North Central College
Odyssean Wanderings in Apuleius’s Metamorphoses and Cervantes’s “El coloquio de los perros” – Glen E. Carman, DePaul University
Disability and Poverty in Early Modern Spain: An Exploration of Discursive Gaps and Representation – Encarnacion Juarez-Almendros, University of Notre Dame
EMIT panel
Roundtable: Ekphrasis, Myth, and Text: Frederick de Armas and Early Modern Hispanism
Time: Thu, March 22, 4:00 to 5:30pm
Place: Hilton New Orleans Riverside, 3, 3rd Floor – Jefferson Ballroom
This round table will pay tribute to the interdisciplinary work of EMIT’s founder and honorary president Frederick de Armas. In monographs such as Cervantes, Raphael and the Classics and Quixotic Frescoes and in numerous essays published over four decades, Prof. de Armas has illuminated and redefined for generations of scholars the complex intersections of literature, the visual arts, and the legacy of the classical world in early modern Spain. The speakers will discuss the ongoing impact of his work on the study of prose, theater, and poetry in the Siglo de Oro and will apply and extend his insights in their readings of Cervantes, Calderón, and other authors. The session will conclude with the presentation of the Festschrift newly published in Prof. de Armas’s honor.
GEMELA panel
Women and Their Books: Iberian Networks
Friday, March 23, 2018 9:00 to 10:30am; Hilton Riverside Complex, Chart Room B
The “Curiosa Xacara” of Magdalena Gil: A Sorceress and Her Books – Stacey Parker Aronson, University of Minnesota, Morris
Álvaro de Luna’s Libro de las claras y virtuosas mujeres: Imagined and Historical Female Networks – Sacramento Roselló-Martínez, Center for Medieval Literature, University of Southern Denmark
Cancionero Women Readers and Literary Networks in Spain (16th Century) – Yoel Castillo Botello, Georgetown University
Of Christians, Cultures, and Comets: The Duchess of Aveiro’s Library and Her Correspondence – Jeanne Gillespie, U of Southern Mississippi
SRBHP panel
Loving Violence in Early Modern Hispanic Poetry and Poetics
Fri, March 23, 9:00 to 10:30am, Hilton New Orleans Riverside, 3, 3rd Floor – Parish Room
The Threat of Contentment: Boscán’s “Respuesta a Don Diego de Mendoça” – Paul Joseph Lennon, University of St Andrews
Waging Marriage: Fresia and Caupolicán in Ercilla’s Araucana and Oña’s Arauco domado – Nicole D. Legnani, Princeton University
To Dress Her with Spoils: Herrera’s Epic Poetics of the Spanish Lyric – Felipe Valencia, Utah State University
GEMELA panel
Maternities and Materialities
Fri, March 23, 11:00am to 12:30pm, Hilton Riverside Complex, Chart Room B
Breastfeeding in Public? Representations of Breastfeeding in Early Modern Spain – Emily Colbert Cairns, Salve Regina University
Lope’s Figures of Isabel: Sovereignty, Maternity, and the Rescue of History – Robin Mary Bower, Penn State University, Beaver Campus
The Relics of Teresa of Ávila – Heather Bamford, George Washington University
SRBHP panel
Remapping Influence: New Studies of Lyric and the Iberian Empires
Fri, March 23, 11:00am to 12:30pm, Hilton New Orleans Riverside, 3, 3rd Floor – Parish Room
On Sandoval Zapata’s Lyric Invention of “materia prima” – Christopher D. Johnson, Warburg Institute, University of London
The Poetic Ontology of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz – Anna More, Universidade de Brasília
From Swerve of Shore to Bend of Bay: Hernando Domínguez Camargo Meets el Lunarejo – Juan Vitulli, University of Notre Dame
Para una revisión de lo visual en la poesía novohispana – Amelia R Mañas, University of Pennsylvania
RSA panel
Defining Gender in Early Modern Iberia I
Fri, March 23, 2:00 to 3:30pm, Hilton Riverside Complex, Quarter Deck Room B
Fluid Boundaries: Gender, Religion, and Nationality in Delicado’s “Lozana andaluza” – Michael S. Agnew, University of San Diego
Prostitution and Eroticism in Sixteenth-Century Spanish Rome – Marta Albalá Pelegrín, Cal Poly- Pomona
Body Borders: The Role of Gender and Sexuality in the Construction of Race and Nation – Sophia Blea Núñez, Princeton University
RSA panel
Defining Gender in Early Modern Iberia II
Fri, March 23, 4:00 to 5:30pm, Hilton Riverside Complex, Quarter Deck Room B
Commemorating Women in Early Modern Spain – Paul Carranza, Dartmouth College
Seventeenth-Century Gender Theory and Zayas’ Baroque Response – Marina S. Brownlee, Princeton University
Sex and Gender in Madrid and London: Tirso’s Actresses and Shirley’s Boy-Actors – Michael Armstrong-Roche, Wesleyan University
CSA panel
Cervantes’s Critical Readings
Sat, March 24, 2:00 to 3:30pm, Harrah’s New Orleans Hotel, Vieux Carré Salon II
Information Overload: El Primo, Cervantes, and the Polyantheas Genre – Julia Dominguez, Iowa State University
Breaking the Mold: Cervantes, Art, and the Search for Poetic Truth – John C. Parrack, University of Central Arkansas
Cervantes’s Malefic Christians – David A. Boruchoff, Independent Scholar
CSA panel
Cervantes Society of America: Business Meeting and Annual Lecture
Cervantes, Character, and Community – Marsha S. Collins, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Sat, March 24, 4:00 to 5:30pm, Harrah’s New Orleans Hotel, Vieux Carré Salon II